This Blog Just For Homework :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This is my story


            I spend my holiday in Bandung-Cimahi or Cimahi-Bandung. I’m not going to another city. I don’t know why. My parent decided that. I’m just go to grandma’s home, shopping center, church and aunt’s home which not too far from my home. This holiday usually called Christmas holiday by me, maybe for some people too. Many people feel joy in holiday especially me. I’m very excited to wait this moment. Christmas day is the only time that I can meet and gather with all my family member. Except this moment, my family always  busy with their work. We still can gather in another holiday, but not all of my family member can come. So, I’m very happy for this holiday.
            A few day before, my mother and I, we are made some cookies for Christmas. I helped to mix the dough until it enough to be baked. I’m very exited of this holiday. While waiting the cookies done, my mother and I, we setted and decorated our Chrismast tree. We put some coloured ball, some ornament, some little lamp, and many other. After the Cristmas tree finish, we turned on the lamp, and the tree was so beautiful.
And when the Christmas day, my family and I, we went to church. It is 45 minutes from my house by car. At the church, many people wear beautiful dress, tidy coat, and many more. We pray at the church. After that, we go to our other family. We visit their house to say “Merry Christmas”, we talk to each other, we eat some cookies and we go home.

That was my last holiday, It was’nt excited enough, but it was impressed. In each Christmas holiday, there was different experience, new good side. I hope you enjoy your holiday! J

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